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Database Finder

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8 Results
Academic Search Elite
 Full text database resource.  
Multi-disciplinary database of articles from scholarly journals, magazines, newsletters, and newspapers.
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Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship
 Full text database resource.  
Entrepreneurship provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories for business schools and entrepreneurs.
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News & Newspapers
 Full text database resource.  
Full text of regional, national, and international newspapers
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 Full text database resource.  
An online (no software installation needed) U.S. national data and mapping tool and analytics platform with multidisciplinary applications for students and faculty. Helpful in research related to: social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography. Use it to leverage thousands of U.S. data indicators to perform demographic and socioeconomic analysis, from a neighborhood census block group in many cases up to a national level, as well as create custom regions for their research and studies. New to PolicyMap? Attend a free training session. Generously supported until December 31, 2024 by the Institute for Business, Government and Society in the Saunders College of Business. Access will end on December 31, 2024.
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Proquest Complete
 Full text database resource.  
All-in-one database that provides coverage for nearly all academic areas of study including arts, business, humanities, health, social sciences, sciences and current affairs.
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SAGE Journals Online
 Full text database resource.  
Search SAGE journal articles.
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Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
 Full text database resource.  
In print, the Statistical Abstract of the United States is a one-volume, comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Online it is 1400 individually indexed tables (with attached spreadsheets), both searchable and browsable.
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Web of Science - All Databases
Articles in social science, science and technology disciplines. RIT's subscription includes these databases: Web of Science; Science Citation Index Expanded (1955-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1971-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1990-present); Medline, Conference Proceedings (1991-present) and Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015-present). Guide located at:
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