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Database Finder

Use this page to find or browse library databases. To search multiple databases simultaneously, please use Summon.

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18 Results
Gale Academic OneFile
 Full text database resource.  
Academic OneFile is a premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, Academic OneFile is both authoritative and comprehensive.
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Gale Books and Authors
 Full text database resource.  
A readers’ advisory database that makes finding a great read much less challenging. With fun ways to browse, an intuitive design, read-alikes, reviews, award winners and themed booklists, and more, this resource answers the age-old question, “What do I read next?”
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Gale Business: Insights
 Full text database resource.  
Explore the world's companies through company overviews, financial statements, market share reports, market research, SWOT analyses, company histories, country/territory overviews along with articles from academic, trade, and news sources.
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Gale General OneFile
 Full text database resource.  
Gale Group database for research in all academic disciplines. Combines indexing, abstracts, full text and images.
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Gale Health and Wellness
Offers access to full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia, and much more. Perfect for researchers at all levels, this comprehensive consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
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Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints
 Full text database resource.  
Full text viewpoint essays and articles on current social and political issues.
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Gale LegalForms (New York)
 Full text database resource.  
Gale LegalForms offers a wide selection of New York State legal forms that may be customized for the most common legal procedures. These forms are used by attorneys and law firms. Includes real estate contracts, wills, premarital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord tenant, and many others. Many forms are ideal for supporting legal tasks relevant to business owners, such as filing for copyrights, patents and trademarks, articles of incorporation, licenses, and more.
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Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Media
 Full text database resource.  
From marketing professionals to students studying for advanced degrees in linguistic theory, this collection provides current and accurate information from more than 100 journals focused on all aspects of the communications field. Key subjects covered include: advertising and public relations, literature and writing, linguistics, and many more.
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Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice
 Full text database resource.  
Comprehensive periodical content for researchers studying law, law enforcement, forensic science, terrorism, and more.
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Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts
 Full text database resource.  
The Culinary Arts collection includes 150 of the major cooking and nutrition magazines. Coverage includes thousands of searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information.
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Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory
 Full text database resource.  
Academic journals and magazines focusing on topics in economics.
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Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship
 Full text database resource.  
Entrepreneurship provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories for business schools and entrepreneurs.
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Gale Onefile: Environmental Studies and Policy
 Full text database resource.  
A collection of over 800 journals and 6 subject specific Delmar reference titles provide robust coverage of environmental issues and policies, including diverse perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, as well as corporate interests.
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Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
 Full text database resource.  
This multi-source database provides access to the full text of nursing and allied health journals, plus the wide variety of personal health information sources in InfoTrac's award-winning Health Reference Center plus 40 full-text nursing and allied health journals.
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Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism
 Full text database resource.  
Coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism field.
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Gale OneFile: Military and Intelligence
 Full text database resource.  
Provides military personnel with access to scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of past and present military affairs. Contains hand-selected content supporting key subject areas such as, governmental policies, the socioeconomic effects of war, the structure of the armed forces, and more.
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Gale OneFile: War and Terrorism
 Full text database resource.  
This definitive collection for analysts, risk management professionals, and students of military science, history, and social science is comprised of more than 200 subject-appropriate, full-text periodicals that are updated daily.
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Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep
 New database resource.Full text database resource.  
Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep provides users with standardized test preparation (GRE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT), assists with researching and selecting college and graduate schools, finding tuition assistance, exploring careers, and creating a resume. You must create a login to use this product.
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