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Database Finder

Use this page to find or browse library databases. To search multiple databases simultaneously, please use Summon.

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8 Results
Political Science Database
 Full text database resource.  
Citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration / policy.
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Proquest Complete
 Full text database resource.  
All-in-one database that provides coverage for nearly all academic areas of study including arts, business, humanities, health, social sciences, sciences and current affairs.
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Proquest Business and Economics
 Full text database resource.  
Search a group of databases containing business related newspapers, trade magazines, scholarly periodicals, press releases, market & country research and dissertations. Most of the content is immediately available in full-text. Some full-text content is delayed by the publisher or available in other databases or through Inter-Library Loan.
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ProQuest Deaf Education and Cultural Studies Databases
 Full text database resource.  
Search a group of databases containing business related newspapers, trade magazines, scholarly periodicals, press releases, market & country research and dissertations. Most of the content is immediately available in full-text. Some full-text content is delayed by the publisher or available in other databases or through Inter-Library Loan.
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ProQuest Literature and Theater
 Full text database resource.  
Identifies articles in literature and theater and related disciplines.
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ProQuest Vogue Archive
 Full text database resource.  
A complete searchable archive of American Vogue.
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ProQuest Women and Gender Studies
 Full text database resource.  
Identifies articles on women and gender studies.
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Psychology Database
 Full text database resource.  
Provides abstracts and indexing for key psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Many titles are indexed in PsycINFO. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
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