Librarian Coffee Hour

Liberal Arts Librarian

Lara Nicosia Headshot

Lara Nicosia


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Need a break? Have a question about library resources? Just want to chat?

Stop by to enjoy a free cup of coffee with Lara Nicosia, the RIT Librarian for the College of Liberal Arts.

While each coffee hour will have a "theme" and featured guest to help answer questions you may have about specific library resources and services, there is no formal presentation. This is an opportunity to relax and share ways the library can better serve your and your students' needs.

All Liberal Arts faculty are welcome!

Spring 2015 Schedule

Beyond the Classroom: Online Class Support and Global Partnerships
Wednesday, March 4th from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm in the Stan McKenzie Commons

Teaching an online class? Library support is available! Susan Mee, Global Education and Online Learning Librarian, will be available to answer questions about online course support. In her role as Global Education Librarian, Susan will also be happy to discuss potential partnership opportunities (e.g. joint course projects) with our global campuses.

eBooks: The "Just in Time" Resource
Thursday, April 9th from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm in the Stan McKenzie Commons

Over the past several years, RIT Libraries has been actively growing its eBook collection. Through the use of new technologies and services, the library has been able to not only expand its holdings, but also provide more "just in time" resources to fill unanticipated user needs. Adam Traub, Electronic Resources Librarian, will be joining me to answer questions you may have about our eBook collection (e.g. usage trends, available databases, etc.).

Ask the Library Director

Come chat with Shirley Bower, Director of RIT Libraries, about current library services, as well as plans for the future. Let us know about what library services/resources already work for you and what you would like to see the library offer down the road. Here's your chance to ask those burning questions!

Upcoming Coffee Hours

Coming Soon!