Database Finder
Use this page to find or browse library databases. To search multiple databases simultaneously, please use Summon.
- APA PsycInfo
- Identifies articles, books and dissertations in psychology and related subjects, many with links to full text.
- Communication and Mass Media Complete
- Articles on all aspects of speech, rhetoric, debate, broadcasting, and media studies.
- ERIC provides unlimited access to more than 1.4 million bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials, many with links to full text.
- Features full-text articles (backfiles) of more than 2,800 academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Provides access to more than 75,000 ebooks. JSTOR also features multimedia content and includes Artstor, a cross-disciplinary collection of over 2 million images for use in research and teaching.
- Military and Government Collection
- Identifies articles and news pertaining to all branches of the military and government
- NARIC National Rehabilitation Information Center
- Abstracts and data related to disability and rehabilitation research
- Professional Development Collection
- Contains full text and citations to education and library science journals. Includes full text for Chronicle of Higher Education, Educational Leadership, Journal of Education, Journal of Higher Education.
- Project MUSE
- Full-text access to over 600 high quality, peer reviewed journals from leading scholarly publishers primarily in the humanities and social sciences. We subscribe to the premium collection.
- SAGE Journals Online
- Search SAGE journal articles.