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Please join us for a Franco-American Partnership book talk, a special presentation sponsored by the RADSCC, MSSE, and Joan Naturale, our NTID Librarian who will be moderating the event. Chris Kurz and Mireille Golaszewski, the authors will discuss the new book and bilingual pedagogical materials on the legacy of the Franco-American partnership in Deaf education, highlighting milestones in the partnership.

The event date is Thursday, December 9, 2021 from 2:00—4:00 PM ET. (Interpreters have been requested for ASL and LSF). Please register for this zoom webinar at: .

For more information contact

Image ID: French female with glasses, hair in a bun wearing black floral dress with necklace smiling. Second photo: NTID MSSE male professor with glasses, facial hair with short dark hair also smiling. Third photo: NTID female Librarian with short reddish-brown hair tilted slightly, and wearing magenta shirt and sweater.